Little Monsters is your classic story of an unconventional friendship between two kindred spirits. But this movie is a super fucked up version. Your first indication things are entirely fucked up is that Brian, Fred Savage’s character, loves eating peanut butter and onion sandwiches. Your second indication that this movie is fucked up is that the monster Maurice, Howie Mandel’s character, is an unabashed sexual deviant. Numerous scenes show Maurice pleasuring himself in front of Brian.
From golden showers
This is Brian at school one day
Okay, so Brian discovers the monsters after his little brother, Eric, sees one and blames it for all the strange missing items around the house. Brian sets a trap for Maurice by just putting one fucking bag of Doritos on his bed and it totally fucking works.
See, as the leaders of this world, they want a new recruit. So Snik steals Eric in the hopes that they can trap Brian when he comes to save him. Let me take a moment to say this – the major conflict of the movie involves the kidnapping of a young boy and holding him hostage inside a toy chest. Also, while Eric is kidnapped they have heavily sedated him. Here’s a creepy fucking montage of Boy to give you eternal nightmares.
This is a fucking disturbing movie and it was not a pleasant trip down memory lane. I give this movie zero stars and may god have mercy on the souls of everyone involved in the production of Little Monsters.